Lakshadweep is a sort of navigators compass, the word meaning destination. The name “laksha” is only symbolic since the total number of Islands doesn’t even add up to a 1000. The word “laksha:” means 1,00,000 in Malayalam and Sanskrit. But it has other meanings too! For example, “Lakshya” means “Purpose” and Lakshadweep lies in the hub of the Arabian –African-Asian trade route.
There are many theories as to how the huge archipelago, the Lakshadeep group of Islands emerged. The most widely accepted one is attributed to Sir Charles Darwin, the renowned English Evolutionist (1842).
He opined that the base of the islands below the reef is a volcanic formation over which corals settled and formed into fringing reefs. These turned into barrier reefs and later to atolls due to the geological submergence of the volcanic base.
One of the world’s most spectacular tropical island systems, Lakshadweep is tucked away at 220-240 kms. Off the Malabar Coast. The islands comprise of 4200 of lagoon rich in marine wealth ad 36 islands in an area of 32
Each island here is fringed by snow white coral sands. The crystal clear water and the rich marine flora and fauna enhance the mystique of these islands.
The Lakshadeep islands are linked to the mainland by ships & passenger planes. Agatti island and Bangaram island can be reached by Air and the others by ship from Kochi (Cochin). The temperature increases from South to North; April and May are the hottest with temperatures averaging at 32° C.
The relative humidity is 70 – 75 %. Generally the climate is humid, warm and pleasant. The climate is equable and no well marked, distinct seasons are experienced.
From June to October the south-west monsoon is active. The average rainfall is 10-40 mm. Annual rainfall decreases from south to north. On an average 80-90 days a year are rainy.
Winds are light to moderate from October to March.
The Lakshadweep Archipelago has 12 atoils, 3 reefs and 6 submerged banks. The name Lakshadeep or its anglicized form Laccadives is of recent origin. The early geography and Arab travelers have alluded to the islands as “Divis” or “Dibarat”covering both Maldives and Lakshadweep.
By several accounts, the cultural and geographical affinities of Lakshadweep are closely linked to Sri Lanka, Kerala, Maldives and Tamil Nadu. The whole group of islands is one vast coconut garden with 100 trees crowded per acre. There are no boundaries between individual plots and almost no ground vegetables. The houses are spread out throughout the islands.
Each island of Lakshadweep, a tiny principality in itself, has existed from time immemorial, with little influence from the outside world.
The charm of Lakshadweep islands lies in their remoteness. Far off the beaten track, they attract no hordes of merry makers to its shores, or perhaps it is the beauty of the islands densely covered with coconut palms, and threaded by an unbroken line of creamy sand, each island serenely set in a sea whose waters range from palest aquamarine and turquoise to deepest sapphire and lapis lazuli.
The Lakshadweep islands now have two world class SCUBA diving schools, at Agatti island and Bangaram island.
Agatti Island
Agatti island is the gateway to Lakshadweep islands, a chain of little known islands, lying about 320 Km off the south west coast of India. A holiday at Agatti island resort at Agatti island is sure to bring about a refreshing change in you. Becuase very seldom does one get to live so close to nature. Be it on land or sea, at Agati, there's always peace and happiness in the air.Location: 10° 51* North Latitude, 72°-11* East longitude, located 459 kms, from Cochin. 6 kms.long and 1000 mts.wide.
climate: Hot. In Agatti, coral growths and multi colored coral fishes abound in its lagoons. The climate of the island is hot when compared to the islands in the rest of the group.
Fishing is the most important industry in Agatti, which is perhaps the only island besides Minicoy getting surplus fish. Next to fishing, coir and copra are the main industries.
Agatti is the airport stopover from Cochin (Kochi) and Bangaram Island, can be seen on the northern horizon. Agati island offers a fully furnished resort.
Agatti Island Beach Resort is open through out the year, as it can be reached by the airlines operated from Cochin (Kochi). The main attraction at the resorts is the water sport facilities. The water sport activities includes scuba diving, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, lagoon fishing, speed boating, sail boating, glass bottomed boat sail, boat excursion to islands & kayaking. Agatti Island Beach Resort offers nineteen independent cottages, Air conditioned and Non Air conditioned A medical centre with qualified doctors functions at Agatti island. Agatti island can be accessed by Air and by Ship.
Bangaram Island
The Jewel of the Lakshadeep, Bangaram island is uninhabited except for occasional visitors from the nearest island, Agatti, where the airport is situated. Bangaram presents a breathtaking spectacle of sparkling coral reefs, turquoise blue lagoons, silvery beaches and lush green coconut palms. All preserved in the State just as the first discoverers would have found them.
At Bangaram island, the more unhurried can simply laze on the silver beaches, soak in the sun, listen to the sound of the waves and watch the swaying of the palms.The island feels like it was designed specifically for languid strolls, to watch the beach dances of hermit crabs and listen to the raucous music of the seabirds. But should you feel the need for a little more adventure on your holiday, Bangaram island offers a whole new set of activities.
Location : 10 ° - 56 * North Latitude and 72° -17 * East longitude, located 459 kms, from Cochin.
Climate: Warm round the year. Rainfall is limited and the temperature during the monsoons is 25 - 27° C.
A bewitchingly beautiful and breathtaking island in the Lakshadweep, Bangaram is un-inhabited. It is surrounded by a shallow lagoon enclosed by coral reef. Bangaram island has been ranked among the best getaways of the world. Here the harmony of the sun, sand and surf casts a spell on the visitor.Bangaram Island offers utmost privacy unpolluted comfort with crystal clear water. Sparkling coral reef and blue lagoon perform magic on the soul –researching traveler. It’s a place where a Hemingway would create a classic or a Van Gogh would paint a masterpiece. And who knows the muse may inspire one to create too.
A matchless sense of well being takes over and one begins to discover the graceful fishes, porcupines, parrots, puffer fishes, hermit crabs and seabirds on the vast 120 acres of lush coconut groves in Bangaram. There are numerous adventures like scuba diving, beach games, swimming, snorkeling and deep sea fishing. The resort has 60 bedded beach cottages with a multi cuisine restaurant serving myriad delicacies. A well stocked bar is also available. Bangaram island can be accessed ONLY by Air.
Lakshadweep Islands

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